HTML Templates

Disclaimer: these templates are for forums only, so do not use in your den bios. They will overlap weird with the comment box. If you want den boxes, go to the den box section at the bottom of the CSS page. Anything to do with dens will be on the CSS page. Only forum stuff will be on this page.


How to Use:

  1. Copy the Code
  2. Paste it into your forum
  3. Replace placeholder text with whatever you'd like and/or replace, remove, or duplicate sections as needed
  4. That's it! I tried my best to make this as user friendly as I could since I know looking at walls of HTML can be very intimidating if you're new to it.

I do not do HTML commissions and whether or not I accept any requests is pretty iffy since it's hard to find the kinda BGs I want a lot of the time, unfortunately. You're welcome to ask of course, but I can't guarantee anything.